Have you tried cava sabrage yet? Do you love cava and also learning an exciting, hands-on class? Then it’s time for you to tick off this bucket-list hit.
The art of champagne sabrage or cava sabrage as we know it at Savour Academy, is popping a bottle of bubbly with a sword! This does not require strength or swordsmanship. You will find out just why, if you attend this adrenaline-packed workshop. With origins in the Napoleonic wars era, we quaff cava as we learn a bit of the legend of sabrage.
After I show you the safe technique and know-how, each participant will have a go at sabring their cava bottle. Cava sabrage is surprisingly straightforward. You’ll love the feeling when you hear the crack-pop of the cork as you saber.
A Common Question: But is it Safe?
In a word, yes. At Savour Academy, the first thing you learn is the method behind the madness. Why the top of the bottle and the cork react as they do and what you need to keep in mind. Safety comes first! You should know that my weapon of choice that we use to “sabre” the cava is actually a fairly blunt machete. If you follow Savour Academy on Instagram, you’ve probably seen my tag #machetethemoment because it’s not quite a sabre!
MORE INFO: Each participant receives a welcome glass of cava from the demo bottle. Then you are given a personalised, hands-on workshop where you learn to sabre your very own bottle with a sword! Successful participants receive a certificate and a keyring momento. There will be light snacks to accompany the class, because we drink what we don’t spill!
WHERE: Savour Academy // WHEN: Dates & Times Flexible (2 hrs) // COST: 39€ // BOOK: 10 Spots Max. Contact me to book.